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Prenatal Diagnosis:
Amniocentesis, CVS
OB/GYN Ultrasound
Sex Determination
Paternity Testing

We offer prenatal diagnosis testing with amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), ultrasound, and fetal sex determination.

Patients are given the opportunity to express their individual concerns, questions, needs, and particular circumstances and are counseled extensively regarding risks, benefits, and alternatives.

Genetic amniocentesis is a special procedure that can be performed around 16 weeks to obtain a sample of amniotic fluid that is sent to a genetics lab for chromosome analysis and amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein (AF-AFP). The most common indication for this test is advanced maternal age (age 35 or older at the estimated date of delivery). Our doctor is a very experienced, board-certified OB/GYN and an expert in amniocenteis. The amniocentesis is performed with ultrasound guidance using sterile technique. A rapid FISH test with a 24 hour turn-around time is available. Clinical studies have shown that there is an approximately 0.4% risk of miscarriage related to this procedure.

We offer chorionic villus sampling (CVS) at 10-11 weeks. CVS is a special procedure in which a tiny sample of placental tissue is removed and sent to a genetics lab for chromosome analysis. Our doctor is a very experienced, board-certified OB/GYN and an expert in CVS. The CVS is done with ultrasound guidance using sterile technique. The advantage of CVS is that it can lead to a earlier diagnosis than amniocentesis. A rapid FISH test with a 24 hour turn-around time is available. Clinical studies have shown that there is an approximately 0.8% risk of miscarriage related to this procedure.

At 18-20 weeks, a detailed ultrasound survey of the fetal anatomy can help determine the presence or absence of certain problems with the fetus. Some genetic disorders can be identified with certain ultrasound signs. Our doctor is a very experienced, board-certified OB/GYN and an expert in OB/GYN ultrasound, which is very important, since the quality and accuracy of the ultrasound is greatly dependent on both the quality of the equipment and the skill of the person doing the ultrasound. While ultrasound is very useful in making a diagnosis, no ultrasound exam can be considered 100% accurate.

Sex determination of the fetus can be done accurately by 15 weeks by expert ultrasound at our office in most cases, and as early as 14 weeks in some cases. This can sometimes be helpful in ruling in or out some diseases that are sex-linked. The sex of the fetus can be accurately determined if a patient undergoes a CVS at 10-11 weeks or an amniocentesis at 15-16 weeks.

Our very experienced, New York State-licensed, and board-certified OB/GYN physicians maintain hospital privileges at New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, Flushing Hospital Medical Center, and New York Methodist Hospital.

We strive to follow each prenatal patient very carefully and take care of any problems that arise, whether the pregnancy is normal or high risk. Our OB/GYN physicians are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please call 718-888-0018 to schedule an appointment.

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